ZAPS Assignments

ZAPS is a set of interactive online experiments and demonstrations that will allow you to experience the various psychological phenomenon, as well as, serve as an additional tool to reinforce the theoretical basis behind each experiment and demonstration. All of the experiments will also be discussed in a real-world context. Your grade will be based on these summaries, NOT the grade provided by the ZAPS website when you finish the experiment

Please answer the ZAPS question below:

ZAPS 2: Visual Search—The goal of this ZAPS is to help you understand the importance of features in object recognition.

What is a feature search? What is a conjunctive search? Why does the number of distractors influence reaction time in the conjunctive search condition, but not the feature search condition? Describe your results for the feature search and conjunctive search conditions. Were your results similar to the referenceresults? Why or why not?

ZAPS 3: Face Perception—The goal of this ZAPS is to help you understand how we processes faces in the environment.

In your summary please compare your results to the reference results. Were your results similar to the reference results, or different? Why? According to the ZAPS and textbook, how do we typically recognize a face? Why is it often difficult to recognize an inverted face?

ZAPS 4: Stroop Effect—The goal of the current ZAPS is to examine how we deal with conflicting/competing information.

In your summary please compare your results to the reference results. Were your results similar to the reference results, or different? Why? Discuss why individuals generally respond slower to incongruent trials while completing the Stroop task.

Parenting Dynamics – The Family Crucible – Brice Family

1,050- to 1,300-word paper describing the parenting dynamics in the Brice family. Include the following information:

•Describe how Carolyn and David fit in terms of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive forms of parenting. (from the notes)

•Explain why you placed them in the category you did.

•Explain the attachment status of each member of the family as you perceive them.

•Describe how these attachments affect their relationships with other family members.

•Describe how parenting and attachment styles affect therapy.

•Determine what approach you would use as their therapist to address the parenting issues

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