
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you should be able to:
•    Identify the reasons why it is hard to identify underachievement in gifted students.
•    Discuss some of the ways underachievement is typically identified.
•    Analyze the arguments for and against using standardized scores vs. grades.
•    Articulate the issues related to the value judgment attached to identifying someone as an underachiever.
•    Create fact project on underachievement for either parents or for teachers.
•    Chapter 37: Underachievement
Callahan, Carolyn. M., & Hertberg-Davis, Holly, L. (2013). Fundamentals of gifted Education: Considering multiple perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.

Lesson Overview
Chapter 37: Underachievement
Parents and educators alike are puzzled and frustrated by the special population of gifted students who are considered underachievers.  Underachievement has implications for both society and the underachievers themselves. Society will never know what underachievers might have contributed and the underachievers are less likely to lead rewarding lives.  The largest longitudinal study of underachievers conducted to date (McCall, Evahn, & Kratzer, 1992) found that underachievers, compared to other students, seemed to struggle to finish college, to keep their jobs, and to remain in their marriages.
Siegle and McCoach (2013) offer these categories of information on underachieving gifted students in our reading for this week:
•    Several definitions of underachievement.
•    How to identify underachievers.
•    The characteristics of underachievers.
•    Empirical research conducted on the family characteristics of underachieving gifted students.
•    The influence of peers on gifted students.
•    Possible causes of underachievement.
•    Interventions to reverse underachievement.


2 – Assignment: Underachievement Fact Project ;
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Underachievement Fact Project Rubric

Create a way to present information to parents who may come to you concerned about the
underachievement of their gifted child. Anticipate the kinds of questions parents may have for
you. Then, review the information in our readings this week as well as other additional readings as you see fit, to put together the facts to answer their questions. This presentation of information may take the form of a brochure, PowerPoint, video, or another way you may choose to compile and display the information. Be sure it is clear in some way that the content of your chosen project is specifically for a parent audience.

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