sick leave

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#1: Case 8 Sick Leave
After reading Case 8, Sick Leave (linked at the bottom of the page), answer the following questions, providing insight and strategies from what you have learned in the course.
What is this dispute about for Kelly? For Mr. Higashi? In these types of conflicts is a compromise possible?
How is communication across cultures impacted in this negotiation?
What are the tangible and intangible factors in this situation? What are the intangible factors in the negotiation? Which are more important, the tangible or intangible factors?
Be sure to answer all of the questions thoroughly and reference course information in a 4-6 page essay. Your analysis should be written in complete sentences. Your paper may be organized with headings, but avoid writing the question, then writing the answer. The paper should be structured formally following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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