Risk Management

  • Schedule Compression and Resource Leveling (100 points)
  • This assignment consists of 3 parts: questions about resourcing projects, schedule development and compression, and resource leveling.
  • Part 1 Questions (20 points)
  • Provide responses to the following questions
  • 1.    What is the purpose of a staffing management plan?  What does it address?
  • 2.    Whom should the project manager consult when performing resource leveling?
  • 3.    Describe the two primary techniques for compressing a schedule?
  • 4.    When crashing a project schedule, describe the two criteria that are considered when considering which activities will be sped up.
  • Part 2 Project network/schedule -scheduling and compressing a schedule (30 points)
  • You’ve been asked to manage a project that includes conducting a two-week (10 working days) computer training class. Using the information in Table below, complete the following:
  • Activity
  • Immediate Predecessor
  • Normal Time (days)
  • Normal Cost
  • Crashed Time (days)
  • Crashed Cost
  • A – Obtain Instructor
  • None
  • 7
  • $500
  • 4
  • $800
  • B – Locate Room
  • A
  • 3
  • $200
  • 2
  • $350
  • C – Check Coats
  • None
  • 6
  • $500
  • 4
  • $900
  • D – Room Open?
  • C
  • 3
  • $200
  • 1
  • $500
  • E – Schedule Class
  • B and D
  • 2
  • $300
  • 1
  • $350
  • Prepare a network schedule showing:
  • Early Starts (ES) for all activities
  • Late Starts (LS) for all activities
  • Slacks for all activities
  • Critical path and its length
  • Non-critical paths and their length
  • Schedule Compression:
  • What is the crash cost per day for each activity?
  • Which activities should be crashed to meet a project deadline of 10 days with a minimum cost? You may assume that you can partially crash an activity.
  • What is the new cost after crashing the project?
  • Fully crash the project to its minimum duration.  Prepare a table that shows (for each day the project length is reduced) the project duration, the activities that are crashed, the incremental crash cost, and the total crash cost.
  • Part 3 Resource Leveling (40 points)
  • Using the data below
  • Activity ID
  • Activity
  • Immediate Predecessor
  • Duration in days
  • Resource
  • Work Hours per Day
  • A
  • Evaluate freezers
  • 2
  • Alcides
  • 6
  • B
  • Chart temperatures
  • 6
  • Joan
  • 4
  • C
  • Review service record
  • 2
  • Alcides
  • D
  • Consult with HVAC engineer
  • A, B, C
  • 3
  • Alcides
  • E
  • Develop construction plan
  • D
  • 10
  • Joan
  • F
  • Complete IC assignment
  • E
  • 2
  • Alcides
  • G
  • Complete ROI analysis
  • E
  • 5
  • Joan
  • H
  • Conduct regulatory review
  • E
  • 4
  • Joan
  • I
  • Obtain construction approval
  • F, G, H
  • 2
  • Alcides
  • a.    Create a project schedule in MS Excel ensuring that it reflects the predecessor/successor relationships identified in the table.
  • b.    How long will it take to complete the project?
  • c.    Joan and Alcides are not fully dedicated to the project.  Joan is only available for 4 hours each day, and Alcides is available for 6 hours per day.  The original estimated duration (in 8-hour days) results in over-allocation of Joan and Alcides.  Prepare a resource-leveled project schedule in MS Excel.  How long will it take to complete the proje
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