Research project report

Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality & Events

Presentation – PPT Slides / Weighing: 10%

1. Name / topic / Problem statement / RQs

2. Research design

3. Data collection methods

4. Sample selection and size

5. Data analysis techniques

6. Ethical considerations

7. Conclusion – Next stage of work if report approved by receptor

8. Q & A

Assignment 2 – Research Project Report Guide (HTHD2 1908A) (2,000 words, Diet: 10% PPT and 40% Report)

Chapter Assessment Criteria Area Possible allocated marks Remark
Executive summary 5 5% of total word count. Highlight on research design, data collection methods, sample selection and size, data analysis technique and ethical consideration. Written last.

1 Introduction – Topic / Problem statement/ Research questions 5 Introduction – Thank the receptor for the PPT presentation and feedback. Introduce your content is this report.
2 Research Design 15 Core functions: Applied social science (Tourism research)

Information needs: Descriptive, exploratory, evaluative

Methodology: Qualitative, Quantitative or mixed (hybrid)

If mixed methodology, Why?

3 Data Collection Methods 15 Options: Quantitative: Survey, quantitative observation, longitudinal study, quantitative case study.

Choice: Quantitative: E-survey (E-survey, intercept on-site survey, household survey etc)

Options: Qualitative: In-depth interview, focus group discussion, qualitative observation, case study

Choice: Qualitative: In-depth interview.

If E-survey and in-depth interview, Why? – Advantages of methods

4 Sample Selection & size 15 E-Survey: Respondents criteria, and sample size of 300. Random sampling

In-depth interview: Respondent criteria, and sample size of 3. Purposive sampling.

Why: Advantages of sample selection and size. Target population and sample size for generalisation.

5 Data Analysis Techniques 15 E-survey – Descriptive and/or inferential statistical data analysis / Software like excel spread sheet, google doc, survey monkey, SPSS etc.

In-depth interview: Recording, transcript and thematic analysis

Why: Advantages of techniques

6 Ethical considerations 10 Ethical considerations in in-depth interview

Ethical considerations in E-survey.

7 Conclusion 5 Next stage of research work
Reference/Appendices 5 Books, tourism research articles.
Academic Skill/Reader Orientation 10 Spelling, grammar, syntax and orientation to receptor
Total 100
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