Reaction paper

In the response paper, you are required to present four pages assessments of the authors’ explanations of the key issues in the topics covered. This paper should be divided into two parts. The first two pages should cover “We the People” and the last two pages should be dedicated to “The Sagebrush State:  Nevada’s History, Government, and Politics”. For each of the two sections, you should present the authors’ views in the first page and present your own argument in support or against the authors’ view in the second page. Please be informed that a mere summary of the chapters will not be sufficient.

Analyze the development of political parties in the United States since the Founding by discussing each of the five distinctive party systems prior to the current one in American history. In your essay, be sure to highlight the origins of today’s two major political parties.

2 pages only 

APA style must use in-line citations

Double spaced & 12pt Times New Roman Font

Answers should be 7 pages. Choose only one of the following questions. All questions draw on lecture materials, and one on Yao. Do not use outside sources.

1 explain seven core Confucian concepts

2 explain the paradox of proper order

3 explain the Confucian conception of international politics.


(1) What is the “Problem of Induction,” and what is Sir Karl Popper’s solution to the problem? (2) What happens to “truth” as a result of Popper’s solution. In other words, can we ever know if a scientific theory is true? If so, how is this accomplished according to Popper? If not, what role does truth play in the practice of science according to Popper? (3) What does Thomas Kuhn mean by a “scientific revolution,” and what are we to understand by his assertion that “scientific revolutions” are best understood as “changes of world view”?


Set B

(1) Describe the theory of art put forth by Leo Tolstoy, being careful to include a discussion of the criteria used for judging whether a thing is, or is not, an art object. Many of the things that are today regarded as objects would be disqualified (as art objects) on Tolstoy’s theory. Why is this so? (2) Many of the things that would be disqualified as art objects on Tolstoy’s theory, for example, paintings of a style known as “hard-edged abstraction,” are judged as art objects on Danto’s explanation.1 Explain how Danto’s account in “The Artworld” makes this possible. (3) Cite two or three criteria that you use in judging whether a thing is, or is not, a good work of art, being careful to provide examples.


Set C

(1) What are we to understand by “apatheism” when used in a religious context? How is apatheism distinct from atheism? (2) In “Gods,” John Wisdom tells a story about two individuals who come upon a clearing in the woods that may or may not have been a garden at one time. What is the point of Wisdom’s example? (3) What in your opinion would be the best way to mitigate, if not totally eliminate, the great harm that mankind inflicts upon itself in this age of profound religious conflict?

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