PS 1010

Roskin discusses three theories about causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Choose one of these theories and explain how it relates to the collapse of the USSR, and assess and justify whether it relates to its internal or external foreign policy.

Discuss whether all three of the causes are equally at fault, or whether one, more than the other, is the basic culprit of the demise of the USSR.

The attached document is Chapter 1 of Deborah Stone’s book, POLICY PARADOX: THE ART OF POLITICAL DECISION MAKING (this is one of the most well-known books on public policy, or the action or output of government).  The attached chapter describes the difference between the “Market Model” and the “Polis Model” within our society. This description describes fundamental elements of human behavior that Stone assumes are a given in our society, and contrasts them with axioms of the conventional Market Model. What do you make of Stone’s “Polis Model” and how would you describe the “Polis Model” for someone who has not read Stone’s text before?  How does Stone’s model help you to better understand some aspect of our course material (in other words, our course text or a discussion posting assignment) you have encountered in our class this semester (please include specific citations to the course material here)?  How does the concept of the “Polis Model” help you better understand a specific contemporary political figure (either an individual serving in some sort of capacity within the executive, legislative, or judicial branches) or an American institution of government itself (the Presidency, Congress, the Judiciary, etc.)?

Your essay must be between 4-6 pages in length, be double-spaced with standard (1-inch) margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.  Your essay will be graded on a scale of 0-100.

PS 1010 American Government: Political Party Systems PowerPoint

This assignment requires you to create a PowerPoint presentation to explain the two-party political system used in the United States and describe each party’s process during a presidential election. You should discuss each party and its respective mechanisms to select a nominee for president, identifying each step of the process. It may be helpful to choose a presidential election and follow the candidates from announcing candidacy to their selection as the party nominee. Your PowerPoint presentation must consist of 10 to 14 slides, not including the title and reference slides.

Your presentation must include the following items:

-A title slide including your name, date, course, and assignment

-Information about each political party’s structure and composition

-A definition of super delegates and an example of their impact on an election

-Identification and summarization of the political machines at play and their impact Information about how media acts as a political socializing agent during an election

-Information about how each party uses the media

– A few bullets describing whether the two-party system remains a fair and viable process

– Three to four pictures, maps, or graphs that will illustrate important points in your presentation

Please note: Your slides should include explanations of the above points. You may include additional information you feel is relevant, but do not create more than 14 slides. Use your creativity, and organize the material in a logical and understandable manner. Use APA formatting for all paraphrased and quoted material. You must use at least three outside sources, at least one of which should come from the CSU Online Library.

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