Primary source analysis – Lolit

Primary source analysis – Lolit

write a critical analysis of THREE to FIVE primary sources of paratexts relating to the film Loltia (1997). The question should be about how the U.S. distributor marketed a film with controversial content (eg. Does the trailer play it down? Do they emphasize the literary aspect as a marker of quality and cultural legitimacy? Etc). The writer needs make sure they are writing about (a) the US distribution and marketing and (b) the US reception.
Appropriate materials include (but are not necessarily limited to) reviews, interviews, profile pieces, posters, trailers, advertising, press kits, promotional websites, social media, behind-the-scenes documentaries, making-of featurettes, DVD commentaries and other bonus materials.
The writer might wish to focus on one particular type of material or, alternatively, they might prefer to explore a theme across different types of source. For example, they could focus only on critical reception in the press; or look solely at posters and trailers; or, you might wish to trace a specific theme using several types of material.
The critical assignment need to offer an argument based on close critical analysis of the sources – not merely description – and will make use of concepts/theories of readings that i will attach.
The assignment should be around 2,500 words (slightly more or less)
If the writer has any questions please ask me asap to save time. Thank you!

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