Parker V. State Of Oklahoma
Section One
10 points
Use Westlaw© to locate the following case and provide the complete citation:
579 F.2d 1200
1. Name the prevailing parties in the trial court proceeding.
2. Name the trial court. Also name the appellate court.
3. What kind of case is it?
4. In your own words, provide a summary of the facts of the case
5. What are the issues on appeal?
6. Who wrote the opinion?
7. What is the docket number?
8. On what date did the court issue the decision and how did the court rule?
9. Provide the text of Headnote [6] as well as the name of the author referenced in the portion of the text which is summarized by that headnote.
10. Provide the name of the attorney or attorneys who represented the appellants.
Section Two
10 points
Using WestlawNext KeyCite the following case:
Parker v. State of Oklahoma, 556 P.2d 1298 (Okla. Crim. App. 1976).
A) How many citing references does the case provide?
B) Has a Maryland case cited the Parker case? If so, provide the case citation for the citing case.
C) Has a Connecticut case cited the Parker case? If so, provide the citation for the citing case.
D) How many of the citing cases are no longer good law? Provide the citation to the case or cases.
E) Have any legal encyclopedias cited Parker? If so, provide the citation to each of the articles.
Section Three
5 points
Your attorney has asked you to determine whether any cases have cited Headnote [6] as referenced in Question 9 of Section One above.
Using proper citation, please provide any citing references you have located.
Please describe your process for locating this information.
Section Four
5 points
If you have the 8th edition of Statsky, complete assignment 11.7 on page 532.
If you have the 7th edition of Statsky, complete assignment 13.1 on pages 633 & 634.
Section Five
5 points
If you have the 8th Edition of Statsky, complete assignment 13.8 on page 586.
If you have the 7th Edition of Statsky, complete the following:
Discuss how the use of Litigation Support, Case Management and Knowledge Management software can protect the attorney from ethical breaches. Cite applicable ABA Model Rules.
Section Six
10 points
Use Your Appellate Brief Scenario to answer this section
- Phrase the legal issue or issues as they will be raised on appeal.
- Using WestlawNext, locate, correctly cite and provide a summary of at least one mandatory court opinion that you can argue in Kant’s appeal.
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