
  1. Conduct an interview with a Nursing leader which includes but is not limited to VP of Patient Care Services, Director of Nursing, Nurse Manager, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Practitioner, Charge Nurse, Team Leader or someone in another type of designated leadership position. Obtain the following information during your interview.


    General Background information:

    GenderEducational PreparationWork HistoryMemberships in Professional OrganizationsNetworking strategiesWhat characteristics should a leader possess?

    Do you feel as though you possess these characteristics?

    Are there any aspects of leadership that you feel you lack or could improve on existing qualities? How has your outlook and/or behaviors changed over the years?

    How do you deal with change?

    What do you think will be the greatest challenge for professional nurses in the next five years?

    How do you support or advocate new ideas?

    What role do you play in performance improvement initiatives?

    What is your role as a preceptor or mentor?

    Who are you students or “mentees”?

    Does anything motivate you to continue to precept or mentor, if so, what?

    Do you have a choice in being a mentor or is it expected as part of your employment?

  2. Identify and discuss two (2) signs or symptoms of clinical deterioration associated with the presenting problem, from chosen case study. This discussion should consider the potential impact of case study data (e.g. pathology results, past medical history) on the health status of the patient in the chosen case.

    Following on from your presented discussion associated with point one (1), develop a clinical plan of care which identifies:

    Discuss three (3) nursing interventions that directly address the identified clinical priority. The discussion should refer to relevant clinical assessments. Measurable outcome parameters for each intervention will be discussed to justify the intervention and evaluate its efficacy. Discussion is to be supported with contemporary research.

  3. Look around your PC or laptop and the space in which you are accessing this course(note: this course is about Medical billing/coding or Healthcare). In a Word document, identify three ways that someone might steal personally-identifiable information from you. For each, try to think of a way to address it. Save the file as “IdentifyTheft”
  4. Look over the materials in this lesson(note: Medical billing/coding or Healthcare), and think about how data is collected, stored, and shared. Now, think about all the ways that a hacker might gain access to that information. Identify at least three ways (and more if you can) a hacker might gain access to information.  Enter them into a Word document, save the file with the name “ComputerSecurity “
  5. Do some research on the use of computers in healthcare. In a five-paragraph Word document, identify a minimum of five ways computers have impacted health care and explain each, one per paragraph. Save the file as “ComputersHealthCare”
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