Liberal And Realist Ideas On Democracies, Foreign Policy, And Humanitarian Intervention
Guidelines Essays should be no more than 6 double spaced pages, in 12 point font with standard margins and proper citations in endnotes. Please make sure that you answer ALL of the subsidiary parts of the question. This essay is not a research project. It is an exercise in applying the theories and concepts studied in class to real world events to help you understand them better. Question Liberals and realists have different views on many issues, including the relationship between ideas and interests, the extent to which democracies adopt more peaceful foreign policies, and the appropriateness of humanitarian intervention. What are ideas? What are the three different types of ideas discussed in Keohane and Goldstein? What type of ideas have led to the adoption of human rights and humanitarian intervention as a foreign policy interest of some states? Many political analysts claim that if there is one theory of foreign policy, it is the democratic peace theory. What is a democracy and how do well-consolidated democracies differ from countries undergoing transitions to democracy? What are liberal ideas? By what normative and institutional logic (s) do proponents of the democratic peace theory like John Owen claim that liberal ideas lead democracies to adopt peaceful foreign policies? Under what conditions do well-consolidated democracies refrain from aggressive foreign policies, and under what conditions do they adopt aggressive foreign policies? In From Voting to Violence, Jack Snyder argues that countries undergoing transitions to democracy often initiate conflicts. Explain the causal logic of Snyder’s argument, making sure to define nationalism, and explain why Snyder’s argument differs from that outlined by Owen. Do you believe that it is in the U.S. national interest to promote democracy abroad? Is it in the U.S. interest to intervene in humanitarian crises such as Darfur? Discuss, making sure to support your argument. Tips 1. It is ALWAYS useful to define your terms. Doing so imposes a discipline in your writing and provides you with more tools with which to analyze the case. 2. Never, ever use the same term to define a concept if the term is used in it. For example, do not use the term “rational” to define the rational actor model. 3. Analytical writing is explanatory—it EXPLAINS rather than DESCRIBES. Therefore, after you write a draft of your essay, go back and review it for adjectives. To the extent possible, try to substitute logical explanations for desсrіptive terms. Rather than simply saying that a policy was “successful” explain WHY it was successful. 4. When you take a position on something like whether the US should intervene in humanitarian crises or promote democracy, supporting your argument means engaging the alternative and explaining WHY your position is better. For example, if you adopt the liberal position that the US should intervene in humanitarian crises, then you should explain what the realist position is and why the liberal one is preferable. Authors pieces: Judith Goldstein & Robert O. Keohane, Ideas & Foreign Policy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993) Jack Snyder, From Voting to Violence, (New York: Norton, 2000) pp. 15-43. John M. Owen, “How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace,” International Security, Vol . 19, No. 2 (Autumn, 1994) Jack Snyder, “One World, Rival Theories,” Foreign Policy November-December 2004. -this one is optional but can be used to define the different theories
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