individual report
Order Description
MG2008 2015-2016
Project, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Assignment 2 of 2: Individual report on Operations and Supply Chain Mgt
Weighting for module: 50% of the overall module mark
Briefing: January 2016
Submission deadline: May 9th 2016, midday
Submission method: Word document via the Turnitin link on Blackboard (Bb)
Format: A 2000 word report
Research: Use at least 10 academic sources
Assessment criteria: see QAA matrix on Blackboard
Using the Wyldeburd Ltd case study on Bb (Lysons and Farrington 2012 p112):
As the new Logistics Manager you are to:
a) Critically assess the way that the operations and logistics are currently set up in view of the issues identified (40%);
b) Analyse these issues and suggest ways in which things might be improved, with reference to relevant models and theories (40%);
c) Explain the main issues that need to be addressed in other areas of the business and explain how you would approach your colleagues in order to make progress there (20%).
Make sure that you:
1. Understand the assessment criteria (see Blackboard);
2. Include the correct title page (see Blackboard);
3. Use the correct Academic Report format (see Blackboard);
4. Understand how to do a case study report (see Blackboard);
5. Use academic text books and journals and Harvard style citation and referencing (see Blackboard);
6. Ask for help and/or arrange a tutorial if you are unsure (see Blackboard);
7. Submit on time using Turnitin (see Blackboard).
Failure to do so will reduce the mark that you are given.
All of the following info is on the Blackboard (Bb) page, this is a brief reminder so should be read together with the full details on the relevant documents on Bb.
Submission deadline 9th May, midday
Format Word document via Turnitin
(In case of formatting corruption you may also email a pdf file if necessary)
Length 2000 words
Weighting 50%
Research at least 10 academic sources, mostly journal article
Referencing Harvard style – read the LBS Guide
Unfair means Read, understand and ensure that you comply with the Academic regulations
Title page module name/number, tutor’s name, assignment name/number, word count and date
Structure Title page (as above)
Summary (c10% = 200 words)
Introduction (c10% = 200 words)
Discussion (using the sections indicated in the brief, 40%, 40% and 20% of marks for each):
a) Critical assessment of Logistics and Operations ( c500 words)
b) Analysis of ways to improve (c500 words)
c) Explanation of issues in other functional areas (c250 words)
Conclusion (c10% = 200 words)
References (see above)
Appendices if appropriate
Assessment criteria see above and the QAA general guidance matrix
(Relevance 20%, Knowledge 20%, Analysis 20%, Research/Referencing 20% and structure/presentation/English 20%)
Marking anonymous – do not put your name on the document
Grade bands – 52%, 55%, 58% etc
Feedback online via Turnitin with 15 working days of submission deadline (plus extensions)
Extensions and ECs talk to you tutor and Course Leader, look at the Assessment Handbook, read the other online info, complete the form and/or email Greenbank Hub as early as possible
Further support WISER – online and in person; and Academic support – Lynn Gornall and colleagues
Seek their help with planning, preparation, checking and editing
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