Human resource management

Barbara was recently hired as a regional manager for the Urgent Care Clinic Organization (UCCO). One of her first tasks is to compile a strategic plan for the executive committee to review. The overall goal of the strategic plan is to identify specific actionable items that can better position the clinic organization.

For this assignment on UCCO, complete a minimum 2-page summary to explain why the organization should devote time to planning and why a strategic plan is needed.

Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 4 articles covering the topics of strategic planning and healthcare management. Conduct academic research using the library’s databases, like:

  • Discovery
  • Business Source Complete via EBSCO
  • Business via ProQuest
  • What can a healthcare organization accomplish with the strategic planning process?
  • What would you recommend as areas of focus for Barbara’s strategic plan?
  • Discuss how Barbara can achieve a balance between historical and current topics in healthcare?
  • How should she apply them for her strategic plan?
  • What type(s) of primary and secondary research would you recommend Barbara conduct? What are the benefits? Explain.

Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleTools to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.

Professional Ethics In Organization Development

5 pages, Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.5 spacing and 1 inch margins.

Paper should include data from current sources and a chart or graph in appendices representing the data. Paper brings in information from current year sources and cites five sources outside the text. Cite sources in text and include full source at the end of the paper. Appendix includes visual representations of data and any examples referenced in the paper.

Disaster Recovery

Write a 3-4 page APA formatted paper comparing your organization’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans with the best practices outlined in our course text. Content should include, but not be limited to: selecting the DR team, assessing risks and impacts, prioritizing systems and functions for recovery, data storage and recovery sites, developing plans and procedures, procedures for special circumstances, and testing the disaster recovery plan. Your paper should include an abstract and a conclusion and a reference page with 3-5 references

The Planning Process

Think about a healthcare organization that you know (or have researched). In a 1-2 page paper, explain why they should devote time to planning. Identify and describe three things the organization can accomplish by the planning process.

NAEYC Standards

How important is it for educators to uphold NAEYC standards?


Barbara was recently hired as a regional manager for the Urgent Care Clinic Organization (UCCO). One of her first tasks is to compile a strategic plan for the executive committee to review. The overall goal of the strategic plan is to identify specific actionable items that can better position the clinic organization.

For this assignment on UCCO, complete a minimum 2-page summary to explain why the organization should devote time to planning and why a strategic plan is needed.

Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 4 articles covering the topics of strategic planning and healthcare management. Conduct academic research using the library’s databases, like:

  • Discovery
  • Business Source Complete via EBSCO
  • Business via ProQuest
  • What can a healthcare organization accomplish with the strategic planning process?
  • What would you recommend as areas of focus for Barbara’s strategic plan?
  • Discuss how Barbara can achieve a balance between historical and current topics in healthcare?
  •   How should she apply them for her strategic plan?
  • What type(s) of primary and secondary research would you recommend Barbara conduct? What are the benefits? Explain.

Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleTools to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.

The Planning Process

Think about a healthcare organization that you know (or have researched). In a 1-2 page paper, explain why they should devote time to planning. Identify and describe three things the organization can accomplish by the planning process.

Delivering Customer Satisfaction

Read the “Zappos: Delivering Customer Satisfaction” case, located on page 475 of the textbook.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  • Analyze the manner in which Zappos’ leadership has fostered a culture of ethicalness in the company. Suggest two (2) actions that other companies can take in order to mimic this culture.
  • Determine the major impacts that Zappos’ leadership and ethical practices philosophy have had on its stakeholders.
  • Examine three (3) of the ethical challenges that Zappos faces. Recommend three (3) actions that Zappos’ leadership should take in order to address these ethical challenges.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the core values in relation to developing a culture of ethicalness. Determine the manner in which the core values support the stakeholder’s perspective.
  • Analyze the major ethical challenges that Zappos has faced. Determine whether or not you would have resolved these challenges differently than Zappos’ management. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine ethical issues and dilemmas in business.
  • Analyze scenarios to determine the ethical character of decisions made and the related impact on the organization.
  • Examine the significant issues of an ethical controversy in business to moral philosophy and values.
  • Write clearly and concisely about issues in ethics and advocacy for HR professionals using correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics and advocacy for HR professionals.

Human resource.

Townsend Rock Industries Inc. (TRI) and its subsidiaries make and market concrete construction materials and produce and sell concrete building materials.

Click here to learn more about TRI.

In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned so far in the course.


You are hired by the HR consulting group to analyze TRI’s compensation, benefits, and rewards policies as well as its performance appraisal system and present senior management with an improvement plan.

Write a multipart report covering the following sections in about 8–10 pages:

Section 1: Compensation

  • Subsection A: Evaluate options for compensation models that would be appropriate for TRI. These compensation models will include, but not be limited to, salary, hourly wage, individual bonus, team-based bonuses, executive stock options, and profit sharing.
  • Subsection B: Given the wide variety of employees in the company (ranging from senior executive staff to senior management, middle management, supervisors, laborers, and truck drivers), evaluate the compensation models and benefit packages that would be appropriate. Keep in mind employees’ levels of education, experience, and training and demographic and cultural factors. In addition, keep within legal and ethical boundaries of the various locations.
  • Subsection C: Consider the future growth and success of the company relative to staffing needs. For this, analyze the role of compensation in attracting employees as well as aiding in their personal and professional development and retention.

Section 2: Motivation

  • Focus on the effective management of employees and the most appropriate ways to motivate them to ensure that the company can meet and exceed the expectations of its multiple stakeholders.
  • Help the company develop an appropriate performance appraisal system that can help it maintain and develop appropriate workforce. Develop a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for senior management that covers the relevant motivation theories, including both monetary and nonmonetary rewards and the way they could be integrated into a new, company-wide performance appraisal system (embed your presentation in the report). Include theories of motivation and rewards that support your recommendations to the company.

Section 3: Communication Plan

  • Develop a communication plan in which this new performance appraisal system and related compensation and benefits program can be rolled out and presented to all employees in a manner that allows appropriate dialogue and discussion
  • Support your assumptions by citing in APA format any reputable source material used for this discussion.


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