Hematology Case Study
Hematology Case Study
1) This is an instruction sheet ONLY and should not be used to write the below paper. Open a new Word document to construct paper.
2) Must be APA formatting throughout.
3) Must have a title page.
4) Must have a reference page.
5) The body of your paper must be at least three full pages not including the title page and reference (those are separate pages).
6) All seven questions must be answered in its entirety.
7) Must cite at least two references in the body of your paper to support your work.
Nursing care management for a stroke patient
Presentation: You inherit a new patient F. L. who has a history of “recent stroke.” He was recently (approximately 3 months ago) hospitalized, but you don’t have his records at the moment. The patient’s wife wanted him “checked out,” and states that his “cat scan” showed a stroke. She claims, “They did a bunch of other tests but didn’t find anything.” She does not think he has hypertension but adds, “He does not like to go to doctors.” The past medical history is unknown. He does report taking aspirin 81mg daily and does not have any known drug allergies. Patient F. L. smoked one pack a day but quit five years ago, however he does drink socially. As for his family history, his mother died at the age of 79 from a stroke and his father died at the age of 64 from a myocardial infarction; he is the only child. He is 57 years old, married to his wife for 29 years and has three children. He works Monday through Friday as an accountant.
Medications: Aspirin 81mg daily
Review of systems: Subtle left hemiparesis; increased tone and hyperactive reflexes; very mild neglect of his left side.
Physical exam: Vitals: height = 72″, weight = 225, body mass index = 30.5, blood pressure = 150/99 mm Hg; heart rate = 93 beats per minute at rest.
- Describe the pathophysiology of a stroke.
- What would your nursing assessment consist of? What should you be cognitive of with stroke patients?
- What are three short-term goals for this patient?
- What are three nursing interventions for this patient?
- What are three things you would discuss with the patient and his family during your discharge teaching?
- What are two medications (other than aspirin) that could be provided for this patient and why?
- What is the mechanism of action of each?
- What are some of the possible side effects associated with these medications?
- How would the patient benefit from taking these medications?
- What are three recommendations for follow-up care?
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