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The purpose of this assignment is to create a webserver within the college Virtualization Solution environment.
Start by accessing your school Virtualization Solution account. Use the “Create a Windows 2012 server” and “InstallWebserver” screencasts for successful completion of this assignment.
Assignment Instructions:
- Download and install the appropriate virtualization tool for your operating system.
- Create a Windows 2012 server within your school Virtualization Solution.
- Install Internet Information Server
Submit the following in an MS Word document:
- 2-3 paragraph explanation of the entire process.
- Include details regarding your school Virtualization Solution, Server Creation, and WebServer creation.
- Include one screenshot showing your homepage on the server. This can be accomplished by opening a browser with the “localhost” address.
- Forum Human Sexuality
There is no class this coming Thursday Sept 13. Instead, you must watch a movie found in the Media Gallery link here on canvas. The movie is The Lion in Winter, a 1968 academy award winning movie with huge classic movie stars—Katherine Hepburn, Peter O’Toole, Anthony Hopkins,Timothy Dalton.
I want you (or your group) to essentially write a detailed “review” of the movie:
1) explain the plot in detail
2) explain the historical and legal significance of the plot
3) explain what kind of man Henry II is? What about his wife and kids?
4) explain why I wanted you to see this movie (this is the hardest part)
I would imagine 3-6 pages total but write until you have said what you need to say.
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