Exam 1

Paper details:

For this one cam you guys please help me take the exam please. below are the step to log in my account to take the exam 1.

1) go to http://mypath.westwood.edu/webapps/portal/execute/tabs/tabAction?tab_tab_group_id=_265_1

2)  then you will see a log in page
my user ID is edithgulama
password is    eG!VAA2760

3) then you will see a page that show two class am taking then click on the  15OCT-MBA503-WCO-V21: Managerial Decision Making

4) after you have click on it go on your left and click on unit 3,

5) then you will another page below it you will see unit 3 that said Exam 1 that said (You have 2 hours to complete this Exam. Your time starts when you click Begin. You may click Save to save the questions and resume later, but the clock keeps running. Select Save and Submit for final grading. After that, additional attempts are not allowed).

at the end submit the exam.

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