Early Childhood Leadership

Select and read a biography or auto biography of someone you would consider to be a leader. It is essential to justify the selection by explaining the relevance of this person’s work for early childhood leaders. Write an essay that addresses:
(a) briefly explain rationale for choosing this person for discussion. Selection of the person must be supported and verified through appropriate scholarly literature on leadership, including the unit text book
(b) select one of the topics for an in-depth discussion 1. building a staff team, Initiating change and innovation within the organisation. Discuss how the person you have profiled addressed key challenges he/she encountered as a manager/leader in their life
(c) Critically analyse any learnings that you have garnered from reading this biography that could be used in your work as an Early Childhood Leader in the future. Explain to extent to which the person reflects the characteristics of an EC leader as defined by Rodd (2013). In your discussion, highlight implications of what you have learnt from reading this book, for those working in Early Childhood organisations
Scholarly literature read widely, publications on leadership and management in any field, use these to design interview questions and evaluate information collected from this interview (NO IDEA WHERE THE INTERVIEW FITS IN )
KEY READING TO BE USED. Ebbeck, M., & Waniganayake, M. (2003). “Administration, management and leadership: Connecting three key concepts in early childhood services” in Early childhood professionals leading today and tomorrow. (pp 1-39). Sydney: Elsevier/Maclennan & Petty Pty Ltd. (See e-reserve: LB1139.23 .E283 )

Lumby, J. (2012) Leading organisational culture: Issues of power and equity. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 40(5): 576-591.

(DOI: 10.1177/1741143212451173)

Urban, M. (2008) Dealing with uncertainty: challenges and possibilities for the EC profession. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 16(2): 135-152. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13502930802141584)

These are some of the readings we have had

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