
  1. Roles that a police executive might fit: (1) Interpersonal role; (2) Informational role; and (3) Decision-maker role. While there are other roles that a law enforcement executive must fill at times, these three represent the majority of responsibilities of the position.

    Compare and contrast these three roles. As part of your comparison, discuss the unique characteristics of each role as they apply to an executive within a law enforcement agency. Conclude your response by identifying the role that you think allows a law enforcement agency executive to be most effective and explain why.

    Be sure that the answer is:


    1) Based on research


    2) Using 2 professional, scholarly sources,


    3) Submitted in APA 6th ed style, and


    4) A minimum of 350 words, excluding the references list, and


    5) Submitted in text.

Theft Crimes

  1. Theft Crimes” Please respond to the following:

    From the e-Activity, determine the key elements of credit fraud identification. Next, discuss the fundamental ways in which to detect credit fraud, and analyze the main reasons why it is difficult to prove such a fraud. Justify your response.

    Argue for or against this statement: Merchants and their employees should subtly screen their customers by asking for two (2) forms of identification in order to prevent identity theft. Next, suggest at least one (1) additional method that a business owner could take in order to curtail identity theft. Justify your res

Pursuing Criminal Syndicates

  1. Field: Criminal homework help

    Report Issue

    From the e-Activity, explain the origins of organized crime, its several forms, and critically evaluate the means by which law enforcement agencies have been able to combat it. Provide a rationale for your response.

    Analyze the definition, types, and national extent of street gangs. Provide your opinion on whether or not the law enforcement strategies being employed against gangs are successful. Justify your response.

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