Context and Leadership: A discussion

Order Description
– My work is teacher in primary school at Saudi Arabia from view years ago

– TITLE : Context and Leadership: A discussion

– TASK : It is impossible to separate educational context from leadership. Consider an educational setting. It may be your current or former workplace. What imperatives drive the educational policy reform in your educational system or organisation? You may consider policy, culture, population, resources, politics etc. Discuss these imperatives and the connection to leadership. Specifically what does an educational leader need to know well about the current context of the chosen educational setting and how will this influence/impact on the leadership style and success of the organization

1. Structure and substance:
a. Relevance to topic
b. Stated requirements met
c. Logical and cohesive development of arguments
d. Supporting literature to support arguments
2. Succinct and fluent writing
3. Referencing style
4. Proof reading, grammar and syntax

IMPORTANT NOTES ( from subject coordinator) :
# In other words of this task – How does a leader know
how to lead effectively?
# He said: if you are Currently working in
Education then Use own context
But if you are Not working in an
educational setting then Use general knowledge
about system
( My work is teacher in primary school at Saudi Arabia from view years ago )

# Assessment Ideas
• Consider readings and topics
• Consider fields including:
– School improvement
– Leadership effectiviness
– Culture
– Systemic change
– Management vs leadership
– Political climate
– Leadership styles- don’t forget the people
– Function of educational leadership
((Don’t include all these fields. Consider your position and write this in your introduction. ))

• Use topic sentences in paragraphs and a clear introduction outlining your main points
• You may use sub heading

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