Computer Questions


Please answer each of the questions below. Use the internet to find your answers. There is 1 point for each URL.

Note: Yahoo, Google and Ask are not URLs, they are Search Engines. Also, stay away from all of the Wikis. (-1 pt. for use of a wiki)

  1. What three goddesses can resist the spells of Aphrodite?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. Henri Becquerel shared a Nobel prize with whom? What was the discovery?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (4pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. The Woolworth Building was designed by whom? Where is it??

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. What was the date of first heart transplant? Who received the heart? What was the name of the hospital?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. In Greek mythology who was the mother of the Greek muses?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. Which was the first poisonous species of bird discovered?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. Before pencil erasers where invented, what was used to erase lead pencil marks?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. The spaceship called Nostromo is from which film?

ANS (3pts):______________________________________________________

URL(1 pt): _______________________________________________

  1. In the cartoon “Wacky Races”, who drove the Army Surplus Special?

ANS (3 pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3 pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

  1. Besides being pals in the old cartoon strip “Archie”, what did VERONICA and JUGHEAD stand for?

ANS (3 pts):______________________________________________________

ANS (3 pts):______________________________________________________

URL (1 pt):______________________________________________________

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