Assignment 7

This assignment covers three chapters (30 points).

Chapter 13:

1. Discuss the meaning of the NIMBY syndrome.

2. What does NIMBY mean? Discuss it as it applies to wind power in the video. Apply the NIMBY principle to a specific controversy in your neighborhood, town, district.

3. What does the Constitution say about government taking property from citizens?

Chapter 14:

1. Distinguish between progressive, regressive and proportional taxes. Give an example of each.

2. What is the primary source of revenue for the following levels of government?

a. federal
b. state
c. local

3. Of the explanations for tax revolts discussed in the book, which one is the most convincing or persuasive? Least convincing or persuasive?

Chapter 15:

After reading chapter 15 and watching the video, answer the following questions.

1. Discuss the “separate but equal doctrine.” How did the Supreme Court interpret the doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?

2. Discuss Affirmative Action. What is the purpose? Should it apply to blacks and Hispanics? How about other minorities?

3. Discuss the significance of Roe v. Wade (1973)

PS 1010 American Government

For the following assignment, you are asked to reflect on the concepts you have learned in this unit. At the beginning of the unit, you learned about the bureaucracy, its structure, and how it works or does not work. Following that, you learned about the judiciary, its structure, and how it works. In addition, you learned about the power that the judiciary can wield within the federal bureaucracy. After reviewing these concepts, compose a paper which discusses the following topics:

-In one of your required readings, you read that some people feel that the bureaucracy is more than just a system executing the wishes of government officials. According to some people, the bureaucracy is the real government. Do you agree with this statement? Why, or why not?

-Outline the structure, functions, and nature of the federal bureaucracy and the judicial system.

-Discuss how the judiciary can serve to curb some of the power of the bureaucracy as well as other branches of the government.

-Explain the concept of the iron triangle and offer an example of how it can influence policymaking.

-Identify how the knowledge you gained in this unit has affected the way you view the inner workings of government.

Your paper must be at least three pages, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font.

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