Assignment 1: Organizational Analysis

Due Week 4 and worth 250 points

Select an organization (be sure to have your instructor’s approval by Week 3 before starting this assignment) in which you are familiar, if only as a regular patron.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1.    Describe the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.
2.    Research the organization’s mission statement. Discuss the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.
3.    Assess the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.). Recommend an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.
4.    Determine how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.
5.    Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•    Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•    Explain the human resource management process, its role in supporting the overall organizational strategies, and the various functions involved in human resource management.
•    Analyze business strategy to identify human resource requirements and formulate supporting HRM plans that can improve productivity and contribute to the firm’s competitiveness.
•    Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
•    Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 250    Assignment 1: Organizational Analysis
Criteria    Unacceptable
Below 60% F    Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D    Fair
70-79% C    Proficient
80-89% B    Exemplary
90-100% A
1. Describe the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.
Weight: 15%    Did not submit or incompletely described the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.    Insufficiently described the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.    Partially described the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.    Satisfactorily described the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.    Thoroughly described the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.
2. Research the organization’s mission statement. Discuss the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.
Weight: 20%    Did not submit or incompletely researched the organization’s mission statement; did not submit or incompletely discussed the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.    Insufficiently researched the organization’s mission statement; insufficiently discussed the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.    Partially researched the organization’s mission statement; partially discussed the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.    Satisfactorily researched the organization’s mission statement; satisfactorily discussed the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.    Thoroughly researched the organization’s mission statement; thoroughly discussed the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement.
3. Assess the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.). Recommend an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.
Weight: 30%    Did not submit or incompletely assessed the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.); did not submit or incompletely recommended an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.    Insufficiently assessed the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.); insufficiently recommended an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.    Partially assessed the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.); partially recommended an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.    Satisfactorily assessed the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.); satisfactorily recommended an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.    Thoroughly assessed the common HR challenges facing this organization (e.g., high turn-over, low wages, lack of skilled workers, etc.); thoroughly recommended an HR strategy you would implement to overcome the challenges assessed.
4. Determine how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.
Weight: 20%    Did not submit or incompletely determined how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.    Insufficiently determined how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.    Partially determined how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.    Satisfactorily determined how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.    Thoroughly determined how effective your recommendation above will be to making the organization more competitive.
5. 3 references
Weight: 5%    No references provided    Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.    Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.    Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.    Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%    More than 8 errors present     7-8 errors present    5-6 errors present    3-4 errors present    0-2 errors present

Assignment 2: Creating Your Dream Job
Due Week 8 and worth 300 points

In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and appraisal performance.

Write a six to eight (6-8) paper paper in which you:
1.    Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
2.    Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
3.    Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
4.    Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
5.    Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
6.    Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•    Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•    Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
•    Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
•    Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
•    Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
•    Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 300    Assignment 2: Creating Your Dream Job
Criteria    Unacceptable
Below 60% F    Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D    Fair
70-79% C    Proficient
80-89% B    Exemplary
90-100% A
1. Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
Weight: 10%    Did not submit or incompletely created a job description and specifications for your dream job.    Insufficiently created a job description and specifications for your dream job.    Partially created a job description and specifications for your dream job.    Satisfactorily created a job description and specifications for your dream job.    Thoroughly created a job description and specifications for your dream job.
2. Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
Weight: 15%    Did not submit or incompletely designed a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.    Insufficiently designed a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.    Partially designed a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.    Satisfactorily designed a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.    Thoroughly designed a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
3. Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
Weight: 20%    Did not submit or incompletely rationalized your compensation and benefits package; did not submit or incompletely indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.    Insufficiently rationalized your compensation and benefits package; insufficiently indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.    Partially rationalized your compensation and benefits package; partially indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.    Satisfactorily rationalized your compensation and benefits package; satisfactorily indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.    Thoroughly rationalized your compensation and benefits package; thoroughly indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
4. Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
Weight: 20%    Did not submit or incompletely imagined this is the only position of its kind in the organization; did not submit or incompletely designed a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.    Insufficiently imagined this is the only position of its kind in the organization; insufficiently designed a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.    Partially imagined this is the only position of its kind in the organization; partially designed a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.    Satisfactorily imagined this is the only position of its kind in the organization; satisfactorily designed a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.    Thoroughly imagined this is the only position of its kind in the organization; thoroughly designed a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
5. Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
Weight: 20%    Did not submit or incompletely rationalized your performance appraisal program; did not submit or incompletely indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.    Insufficiently rationalized your performance appraisal program; insufficiently indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.    Partially rationalized your performance appraisal program; partially indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.    Satisfactorily rationalized your performance appraisal program; satisfactorily indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.    Thoroughly rationalized your performance appraisal program; thoroughly indicated the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
6. 3 references
Weight: 5%    No references provided    Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.    Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.    Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.    Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%    More than 8 errors present     7-8 errors present    5-6 errors present    3-4 errors present    0-2 errors present

Weekly Course Schedule
The purpose of the course schedule is to give you, at a glance, the required preparation, activities, and evaluation components of your course. For more information about your course, whether on-ground or online, access your online course shell.
The expectations for a 4.5 credit hour course are for students to spend 13.5 hours in weekly work. This time estimate includes preparation, activities, and evaluation regardless of the delivery mode.
Instructional Materials
In order to be fully prepared, obtain a copy of the required textbooks and other instructional materials prior to the first day of class. When available, Strayer University provides a link to the first three (3) chapters of your textbook(s) in eBook format. Check your online course shell for availability.
Review the online course shell or check with your professor to determine whether Internet-based assignments and activities are used in this course.
Strayer students are encouraged to purchase their course materials through our designated Strayer Bookstore.  If a lab is required for the course, the Strayer Bookstore is the only vendor that sells the correct registration code so that Strayer students may access labs successfully.
To earn full credit in an online threaded discussion, students must have have one original post and a minimum of one other post per discussion thread.
Please note: Material in the online class will be made available available three weeks at a time to allow students to work ahead, however, faculty will be focused on and responding only to the current calendar week. As it is always possible that students could lose their work due to unforeseen circumstances, it is a best practice to routinely save a working draft in a separate file before posting in the course discussion area.
Professors hold discussions during class time for on-ground students. Check with your professor if any additional discussion participation is required in the online course shell outside of class hours.
Tests (quizzes, midterm and final exams, essay exams, lab tests, etc.) are available for student access and completion through the online course shell. Check the online course shell to determine how you are expected to take the tests.
•    Online students are to complete the test by Monday 9:00 a.m.  Details regarding due dates are posted in the Blackboard Calendar tool.
•    On-ground students are to complete the tests after the material is covered and before the next class session.
A standardized performance grading rubric is a tool your professor will use to evaluate your written assignments. Review the rubric before submitting assignments that have grading rubrics associated with them to ensure you have met the performance criteria stated on the rubric.
Grades are based on individual effort. There is no group grading; however, working in groups in the online or on-ground classroom is acceptable.
Assignments for online students are always submitted through the online course shell. On-ground professors will inform students on how to submit assignments, whether in paper format or through the online course shell.

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