Art Appreciation Study is Mandatory for a Humanities Degree

Order Description

In a 1,600-1,900 words essay in which you answer the 10 questions below. (Time Romans 12-point font, double-spaced, APA format)

My topic is “Art Appreciation Study is Mandatory for a Humanities Degree.”

1. Select one of the humanities subject areas listed, and why your choice must be a mandatory course for someone graduating with a degree in Humanities. (Choice is ART) (POG 1-see rubric)
2. Present evidence that this area of study is consistent with the knowledge required of a college humanities major. (POG 2-see rubric)
3. Present an historical synopsis of how this area of study has evolved over time, and how it has benefited human development. (POG 3-see rubric)
4. Present evidence that this area of study is necessary to prepare a student to deal with their future life, for at least the next twenty years. (POG 2 & 3-see rubric)
5. Defend your selection of your selected area over the other considered areas of Humanities. Specifically include a rank of the Nine Areas in order of importance (art, music, theatre, technology, government, literature, mythology, philosophy, or religion) considered and explain why your topic of ART would definitely be somewhere in the top four of most people’s list. (POG 1-see rubric)
6. Present a substantial argument (at least one paragraph) for someone who would say that whatever you listed as number 5 or 6 on the list in question 5 above should really be ranked higher on the list. Present this opinion fairly and completely. (POG 1 & 2-see rubric)
7. Present a defense of your position. (POG 2 &3-see rubric)
8. Summarize the importance of your area in a concluding paragraph. (POG 1, 2 & 3-see rubric)
9. Your paper must include significant reference to your choice of the syllabus schedule of the course and explain why certain vital material was included in the course. (POG 2-see rubric) See attachment HUMN495 Art Syllabus for Part 3 included in the order.
10. The paper must contain a minimum of four quotes and citations. (POG 2-see rubric)

Grading Criteria For Final Project Composition.
1. Clear statement of the project and listing in order of importance the 9 Humanities Areas (10% of project grade)
2. Clear statement of your position of why your chosen area should have a least one dedicated course for a Humanities Major (15% of project grade)
3. Quality of content: Does the paper show a good grasp of the task and what makes humanities relevant to our culture? (15% of project grade)
4. Does the paper fairly present the position of you, and your colleagues who would support a different area? Does the paper address a subject outside the top 4 and argument about why it could be higher in the ranking? (10% of project grade)
5. Does the paper display logical reasoning/critical thinking? (15% of project grade)
6. Your paper must include significant reference to your week six submission of the syllabus schedule of the course and explain why certain vital material was included in the course. (15% of project grade)
7. Correct format, grammar, punctuation inside word count requirements. (10% of project grade)
8. Correctly formatted citations, bibliography, quotations, as appropriate to the paper and topic. Within word count requirements. (10% of project grade)

This final essay is for my capstone class for my degree and I do not want it written with UK language or emphasis. It needs to be written with American grammar and language.

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