Air conditioning in building

Pick of topic of interest that concerns the economics of some specific natural resource or environmental problem related to UMass Boston or the New England region. The project must include at least some original research and analysis using the one of the financial metrics we used in class. Natural resource issues could include energy, minerals, forests, fish, or agriculture, and environmental issues could include air or water pollution, solid waste and recycling, climate change, etc. UMB research projects could relate to campus energy sources or energy consumption, campus food, recycling or use of recycled materials, hazardous material use or substitutes, water consumption, storm water discharge, transportation, etc. The problem should be some specific question that you can answer with real data, for example, whether an environmental improvement would be privately and/or socially beneficial (see list of possible projects on Blackboard). Stay focused on a real, specific question to which we do not already have an answer.Your first task is to review and summarize the literature on the problem: what do we already know, what questions surround the problem, and what approaches have already been tried? Then provide relevant data and your analysis of the problem, and recommend actions that should be taken. Your analysis should make use of theories and tools we learn in the course, e.g. estimating an external cost, calculating present value of future costs and benefits, etc. Recommendations should be based on what you learn about the problem, your analysis, and on any evidence you can find that implementing your recommendations would likely be successful. Compare your results to any results from similar studies that you find in your literature review.In addition to your project data, include at least four other references in your report, at least two of which are peer-reviewed sources from academic journals ( is a good place to find these; go to Google Scholar through the library web page to get free access to most articles). Use APA style for references, with author’s last name and year for text citations (Timmons 2011), and a complete reference list in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Do not list any references that you have not actually read and cited in the paper. Present all data and calculations with tables, graphs, or figures.

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