What’s Your Research Question? Evidence-Based Practice Project (EBP)

During a diabetes education, Fatima indicates that she is Muslim and that for Ramadan, she fasts from sunrise to sundown.

  1.  Using Leininger’s Sunrise analyze the dietary significance of fasting.
  2.  Discuss the possible nursing interventions to accommodate Fatima’s religious practice.  Please explain why you use the interventions.
  3. How might Fatima respond if she was told she could not fast and why?

As stated in the syllabus, present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) are required. References can’t be more than five years old.

The assignment consists of 4 questions, please make sure you enumerate the questions on your assignment.  An essay-style assignment won’t be accepted.


Assignment: What’s Your Research Question? Evidence-Based Practice Project (EBP)

Based on your preliminary investigation of the literature and your discussion with the expert clinician interview (see attached clinician interview document.), complete the following on a Word document:

1. Submit a 350-word summary of your clinical research area of interest and explain why you are interested in it. (My clinical research area of interest is Mental Health)

2. Ensure you present your research questions that you started working on (see attached research questions document).

You will now have more information from your expert clinician, as well as feedback from your instructor.


This week’s discussion posts will somewhat mirror your paper assignment. It is a reflection to get you to share what is your personal philosophy of nursing? Your responses will be based on the four metaparadigms that are required for your paper.

  • Person/Client
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Nursing

When writing or responding, think about how and why you came to your insights. Evaluate your experiences, comment on ideas, how you feel, what did you learn? In your conclusion, you will restate your thoughts, ask others how they came to their ideas.

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