What kinds of work came to be identified with the early 19th century in America? What can be said of working women, children, immigrants or even slaves at this time? How might work in agriculture differ from the newly minted “factor system” and its attendant vocations?
Paper details:
you may choose any of these 4 topics to write about:
1. The War of 1812 was a threshold moment in American History. What came of this war and how might it have sowed either securities or insecurities among the populace? What kind of “era” followed the war?
2. What kinds of work came to be identified with the early 19th century in America? What can be said of working women, children, immigrants or even slaves at this time? How might work in agriculture differ from the newly minted “factor system” and its attendant vocations?
3. Andrew Jackson was a multifaceted figure to whom can be attached considerable ambivalence. Note his career and rise to political prominence. What are some of the factors that identify him and his impact on American life?
4. A party realignment brought about the “Democrat” and “Whig” parties. How did this happen and who might have joined one or the other of these partisan camps?
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