The Horrors of a Slave Ship: Olaudah Equiano”. Who was Olaudah Equiano and where was he from? Who sold Equiano into slavery? Discuss the various adversities that Olaudah endured as a slave.

“The Horrors of a Slave Ship: Olaudah Equiano”. Who was Olaudah Equiano and where was he from? Who sold Equiano into slavery? Discuss the various adversities that Olaudah endured as a slave. Did Equiano die as a slave or did he fulfill his dream and returned to his homeland as a free man?

“The Horrors of a Slave Ship: Olaudah Equiano”. Who was Olaudah Equiano and where was he from? Who sold Equiano into slavery? Discuss the various adversities that Olaudah endured as a slave. Did Equiano die as a slave or did he fulfill his dream and returned to his homeland as a free man?

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