Paper details:
Estimate how much collector area and storage capacity would be required for an active
solar hot-water system designed to supply the total needs for two four-person families, one
living in Manchester, New Hampshire, where the latitude is 44+o
north and the other in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 35+o North. The heat capacity of water is about 4200 J/kgo
C and
the hot water supply temperature in both houses is 60o
C (140o
F). State and justify all additional
assumptions made.
Estimate how much collector area and storage capacity would be
required for an active solar hot-water system designed to supply the
total needs for two four-person families, one living in Manchester, New
Hampshire, where the latitude is 44+O north and the other in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 35+0 North. The heat capacity of water is
about 4200 J/kgo C and the hot water supply temperature in both
houses is 600 C (1400 F). State and justify all additional assumptions
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