Principles of Financial Management
Select ONE of the topics from below. Pick one that you can apply to your work or business or one that you have an interest in. Write a 7 – 8 page [including cover and
reference page(s)] paper in APA format. Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references, at least ONE of which should NOT be the course’s text.
The paper should explain the theoretical concepts and illustrate how these can be applied in the business world. For each topic you can look at the Chapters & Learning
Outcomes in the study guide which references the text pages for guidance. Remember though that the contents of your paper should be your own work.
Potential Topics
UNIT ONE: Firms and the Financial Market
UNIT TWO: Time Value of Money
UNIT THREE: Investment Decision Criteria
UNIT FOUR: Financial Forecasting and Planning
UNIT FIVE: Working Capital Management
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