Part one ((half page))

Answer the question:
CRITICAL QUESTION – SIMULATION: As the new Superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools (APS), what top two (2) policy reforms would you advocate for and how would they be funded?
Note: You have a flat budget going into the school year, meaning no new funds for new initiatives b/c everything’s been allocated already. You may have to eliminate or cut back on something to support a new reform.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and schools: Using social, economic and educational reform to close the Black-White Achievement gap. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.

Two other references the writer can choose what she/he wants.
Part two ((half page))
Give 2 Separated comments to 2 of me classmate. I will send my classmate answer for you to give me a comment on it. The comment should be agree OR disagree AND why.

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