
After reviewing The Invisible Patients documentary, define/describe in detail an ethical dilemma that was experienced by the NP. Please note, there are several ethical issues, so there should be diversity in the responses.  Explain how you would have handled the situation.

  • How is the NP in the documentary a Disruptive Innovator?
  • Discuss if there is a relationship between your personal beliefs and values and this ethical dilemma/barrier.
  • Describe at least one mechanism to overcome the barrier discussed.
  • Examine the potential cost and benefits to this barrier.

Remember there is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question. Suggested reference Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice.


Write a 500-word essay on the transformation of American society after WWII. Discuss important topics like suburbanization, the GI Bill, the automobile, and the effects of consumerism on society and gender spheres, racial experiences, and youth culture. Conclude your essay by answering the following question: What was the role of religion in post-WWII society?

Use a minimum of three of the sources provided to support your assignment and be sure to cite the sources.

Prepare this assignment in the APA sytle


 Why was the New Deal initiated? What problems did it address? What were some possible unintended consequences of the New Deal? Did the New Deal solve the problems it was designed to solve? Do you believe the legacy of the New Deal is a positive or negative? Explain.

Just need 125 words


“The Banality of Gilding: Innocuous Materiality and Transatlantic Consumption in the Gilded Age,” “Thorstein Veblen: Conspicuous Consumption, 1902,” and “America’s Gilded Age” and then answer the discussion question that follows:

During the Victorian Age, the upper class became very wealthy in part by exploiting the lower classes. For America to become a great and wealthy nation, was the exuberance and disparity of the Victorian age justified? Explain why.

Just need 125 words

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