Fictional Character Matilda Wormwood focusing on personality using the Biological theory of personality and the Behaviorist theory of personality

The assignment…

The Final Paper
a. Your topic: You are to select a fictional character from a television show, movie, book, etc. or a real life individual and explain the individual’s “personality” using two (2) contrasting personality theories discussed in this course.

For the final paper, you should write about a fictional character Matilda Wormwood’s from the movie Matilda, focusing on personality using the Biological theory of personality and the Behaviorist theory of personality.

Sources/references to use:

Friedman, H. S. & Schustack, M. W. (2012). Personality: Classic theories and modern research (5th ed.). MA: Allyn & Bacon ISBN: 0-205-05017-4.

Include 10-12 more sources/references related to the paper topic.

Paper should be around 13 pages.

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