Do you think Nafisi and her students are taking action against this repressive regime by meeting to read literary works? Or does literature serve primarily as a source of escapism for the group?

Paper details:

Title of Book: Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi

Reading Lolita in Theran shows how Azar Nafisi and her students respond to the oppressive limitations placed upon their lives in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Do you think Nafisi and her students are taking action against this oppressive regime by meeting to read and discuss literary works? Or does literature serve primarily as a source of escapism for the group? Also, what connections do you see between the reading group’s activities and other ways that individuals–either in your own experience or in other historical periods–have drawn upon literature when reacting to difficult situations?

Your response should engage carefully with Reading Lolita in Theran as well as drawing upon your own insights. Please support your ideas with specific examples.

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