Dialogue between Domenico Ghirlandaio and Giovanna Tornabuoni

Dialogue between Domenico Ghirlandaio and Giovanna Tornabuoni
(Or script)

2 Students will sit across each other, one shall act as the artist (Ghirlandia) and the other the Model/Paint subject/ Sitter (Tornabuoni).

They must have a informative with good content discussion yet almost informal and relatable as people. We need a script with the two subjects talking back and forth.

What impression of the subject’s personality and/or social status does the image convey?
The Dialogue should be able to keep up for around 4-6 mins, and it should adress somethings.
*what means does it use to convey this impression? (facial expression; body language/pose; manner of dress; setting; symbolism & iconography; materials used ; scale, etc)
*does the image reveal the sitter’s public or private self, or some combination of the two?
*how does it relate to the concept of self-fashioning?
*how does the image reflect the concerns and attitudes of its historical period?

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