Cultural portfolio
Order Description
3- this order belongs to communication and cultural diversity diffecult
dialogues around the globe
4-the real assignment is (Cultural Portfolio (In Electronic Form, its title might be “Interculturality and Dialogues across the Globe: Digital Story Telling” “Intercultural Communication and Diversity: Bridging Theory and Practice, ”or something along those lines):
In addition to reading through various articles and listening to/participating into discussion and lectures in class, you should be building a cultural portfolio, whose main purposes are: extending your knowledge beyond the classroom, building your intercultural/cross-cultural awareness, adding your own voice and perspectives to the scholarship, and accelerating your transformation into critical cultural scholars.
As you prepare classes that resonate with you most, your “portfolio entry” should include:
1. A brief 1-2 page (max) outline of:
?? Key ideas (concepts, definitions, messages, effects/affects)
?? Identified areas of intercultural potential, positive and/or negative (intercultural conflict, miscommunication, confusion, change, dialogue, etc)
?? Questions you would like to raise and//or research further
(It is advisable to bring the outline with you for class discussions and add to your portfolio afterwards).
2. Your own contribution to the subject which might include but is not limited to:
?? Relevant scholarship (top-tier communication but also interdisciplinary academic journals)
?? Relevant art artifacts (poems, short stories, paintings, plays, photography)
?? Relevant media and pop-cultural artifacts (news, newspaper and magazine articles, ads, cinema, music)
?? Personal connections (the so-called “door-to-door scholarship,” that might blur the boundaries between the personal, the political, and the cultural)
(It is natural that some subjects will resonate with you better than the others – and you might end up having several entries for one area and only one or even none for another.
5- what you have to do look at the file example i will send to you and read it carefully please then start to do my assignment perfectlly
6-you do not have to creat any blog or something like that. normal word doc you have to use and i will post what you will write on my site.
7-i need you to write two (entry) each one one page and half
8- i need the first entry about (Usama Alshaibi) Usama Alshaibi (Arabic: ????? ???????) (born in Baghdad, Iraq on November 20, 1969) is an Iraqi-American independent filmmaker and visual artist. you have to search to find more information about him by google
9-the second entry about Suheir Hammad and you can find furthar information by google about her.
-“Talking Back: The Poetry by Suheir Hammad” by Kenza Oumlil.
– “Respiring Resistance: Suheir Hammad’s Invocation of Breath” by Their A. Pickens.
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