Business to Business Marketing – MARK917
Business to Business Marketing – MARK917
Postgraduate Program Subject Outline
Faculty of Business
Subject Code: MARK917 Subject Name: Business to Business Marketing
Session: Spring Year: 2016 Section: One
No of Credit Points: Six (6)
Pre-requisite(s): MARK922 Co-requisite(s): Nil
Final Exam Passing Mark 50%
Day: Sunday
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location: TBC
Lecturer’s Name: DR. RAMI SALEH
Building & Office No: Block 14 Office G01
E-mail Address:
Consultation Days and Times: SUNDAY & TUESDAY – 4PM TO 6PM
Subject Coordinator: DR. KATHY SHEN
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
Business marketing is about buying and selling between organizations. Thus,
doing business between organizations is business marketing and is driven by
consumer demand for products and services. The topics to be covered include
but are not limited to: (1) the nature of business marketing, (2) the behaviour of
business buyers, (3) segmentation of business markets, value-add through the
supply chain and distribution channels, and (4) each of the 4P?s in a business
marketing context. Organization buying practices are different from the processes
of consumers buying and as a result marketing strategy and operations have
distinctly different imperatives.
On successful completion of this subject, the student should be able to:
1 . Identify and use appropriate strategies and tactics to business markets
based on customers buying behaviour in a variety of situations.
2. Explain and work with the value concepts as applied to organizational
customers as distinct from consumers.
3. Explain the importance of good logistics practice and effective distribution
networks in delivering value to customers in business markets.
4. Analyze the value derived from collaborative relationships in business markets
for both buyers and sellers and to use at work the elements of interorganizational
5. Use appropriate sales strategies to particular situations based on needs in both
the sales force and customer organizations.
6 . Explain the range of sales techniques and processes that are required in
business markets.
Innovation in Teaching and Learning for MARK917:
The course involves a non-traditional approach involving student-led learning
where students are active participative at all times. Students are assigned a
weekly task of reflecting upon a particular chapter. Specifically, each student is
responsible for commenting BRIEFLY upon at least one part of the Powerpoint
slides. Students are advised to find local (UAE, MENA or South Asian) examples
and applications of the issue rather than simply reading from the text. The lecturer
will comment and add to the point of each subject at the end of each student
commentary. The process will be explained in the Week 1 lecture. The midterm
and final exams are designed to assess what all students have learned from
this process.
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Session Lecture Topic(s) Related
Assignments Due
Jan. 31
Introduction to course
Introduction to Business Marketing
Ch. 1
Feb. 7
The Character of Business
The Purchasing Function
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Individual Reflections
Feb. 14
Organizational Buyer Behavior
Ch. 4 Individual Reflections
Feb. 21
Market Opportunities: Current/ Potential
Ch. 5 Individual Reflections
Feb. 28
Marketing Strategy Ch. 6 Individual Reflections
Mar. 6
Weaving marketing into the fabric of the
Ch. 7 Individual Reflections
Mid-term Exam – March 13, 2016
Mar. 20
Managing Offering (product)
Business Marketing Channels (place)
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Individual Reflections
Study Break: March 27 – April 7
Apr. 10
Creating Customer Dialogue
Communicating via Advertising, Trade
Shows, and PR
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Individual Reflections
Apr. 17
The One-to-One Media
Sales & Sales Management
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Individual Reflections
Apr. 24
Pricing & Negotiating for Value
Evaluating Marketing Efforts
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Individual Reflections
May 1
Customer Retention & Maximization Ch. 16 Individual Reflections
May 8
Group Report due at Start of class
Study Break: May 13 – May 16
Final Exam – To be held during the official examination period. Please refer to the Exam
Timetable available on the Student Online Resources website (
closer to the exam period.
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
Dwyer, FR. and Tanner, JF., (2009), Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy,
Relationships and Learning (4th edition), McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, NY.
Required texts can be purchased from the University Bookshop located in Block 5 Ground Floor.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The University of Wollongong in Dubai complies with UAE Federal Law No. (7)
of 2002 pertaining to Copyrights and Neighboring Rights. Severe penalties apply for copyright
violations. No copied materials will be allowed on campus, except where permitted as per UAE Federal
Law No. (7) of 2002. Any copied materials that violate UAE Laws or UOWD Policies will be
confiscated in the first instance and disciplinary actions may be taken against the person(s) involved.
Supplementary Texts:
Ellis, N. (2011). Business-to-Business Marketing: Relationships, Networks & Strategies. OUP,
Other Texts:
Bingham, F. G. and Gomes, R. (2001) Business Marketing; NTC
Blythe, J and Zimmerman, A (2005) Business to Business Marketing Management:
A global perspective; Thomson Learning
Brierty, Edward G; Eckles, Robert W and Reeder, Robert R (1998), Business Marketing, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall.
Ford, D. (1998) Managing Business Relationships, John Wiley and Sons.
Haas, RW (1995), 6th edition, Business Marketing: A Managerial Approach, SouthWestern.
Hayes, HM, Jester, PV and Aaby, NE (1996), Business Marketing – A Global Perspective,
Hutt, Michael D and Speh, Thomas W (2007), Business Marketing Management: B2B, 9th
Edition, Thomson South Western.
Silverstein, Barry (1999), Business-to Business Internet Marketing, Maximum Press.
Recommended Background and Further Reading:
Marketing Science
Journal of Marketing (USA)
Industrial Marketing Management
Harvard Business Review (USA)
Sales and Marketing Management
Journal of Business Research
Business Review Weekly
This is not an exhaustive list of references. Students should also use the library catalogue
and databases to locate additional resources. All of the recommended readings above are
available at the UOWD Library located on the first floor in Block 14.
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All teaching material can be downloaded from the student intranet:
MARK917 Business to Business Marketing
Spring Session 2016
Learning Outcomes
Measures – Assessments
Mid-term Exam
Critical Analysis –
Group Report*
Final Exam
1. Identify and use appropriate
strategies and tactics to business
markets based on customers buying
behavior in a variety of situations.
v v v
2. Explain and work with the value
concepts as applied to organizational
customers as distinct from consumers
v v v
3. Explain the importance of good
logistics practice and effective
distribution networks in delivering value
to customers in business markets.
v v v
4. Analyze the value delivered from
collaborative relationships in business
markets from both buyers and sellers
and to use at work the elements of
inter-organizational relationships.
v v v
5. Use appropriate sales strategies to
particular situations based on needs in
both the sales force and customer
v v
6. Explain the range of sales
techniques and processes that are
required in business markets.
v v
Office use only
* denotes group work
Mean (%)
Standard deviation
No. of students
Technical Fails
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
Assessment Task: 1 Mid-term Exam
Type: Individual
Description: Exam
Learning Outcome Measured: 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Total Marks: 100
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Week 7
Word Length (if applicable): NA
Hand in to: Lecturer
TurnItIn submission required by: NA
The Mid-term Exam will be 2 hours and 30 minutes in duration. Students will be
required to answer 4 from 6 essay/short answer questions. Each question is worth
25 marks
Detailed and defendable marking criteria will be used to mark the test. This will be
discussed in class following the completion of marking and the release of marks for this
task to students on SMP.
Assessment Task: 2 Report and Presentation
Type: Group
Description: Report and Presentation
Learning Outcome Measured: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.
Total Marks: 100 (Report 90, Presentation 10)
Weighting: 25%
Due Date: Commencement of Week 13 Lecture.
Word Length (if applicable): See marking criteria
Hand in to: Lecturer
TurnItIn submission required by: NA
Project focus: The business marketing links between three companies where
one is the „supplier?, one is the focal company and one is the „buyer?. Focal
company selection is the choice of the student. The focal company will inform the
students about the supplier and buyer companies. If possible, students are
encouraged to speak with both the supplier and buyer companies after receiving
permission from the focal company. In addition, students will have to present an
assigned chapter & link its topic to the report.
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
Objective: To obtain a „real-world? view of business marketing issues that take
place in the supply chain before products and services reach the end user
How to: Contact a „focal company? of your choice. Explain that you would like
to speak with them about their business and their marketing relationship with a
supplier as well as a buyer.
Your analysis: Start by considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of each relationship. What does each company do well – and what do they
do that needs improvement? What are your recommendations?
Study Topic Report Due Week 3 start of class. This submission will not be
graded. However, it is intended to show that students have made contact with
organizations and have initiated the project. This report will be 2-3 pages in length
and provide information about the 3 companies in the study, the marketing
environment and the proposed methodology. Failure to submit this report at the
beginning of Week 3 will result in a grade loss of 10% of the COURSE grade value
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
Marking Criteria for MARK917 Report and Presentation
Summary – ½ page
A well written executive summary that gives a clear and accurate overview of the work that is
about to be read – and provide the reader with incentive to read on!
Table of Contents and Compliance with Requirements -1 page
? A well-presented Table of Contents, List of Figures/List of Tables, and List of
Attachments that is consistent with the content of the report.
? Compliance with the presentation requirements – correct cover sheet,
Use of appropriate font, spacing and margins.
[12 font Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, 25mm margins.]
1. Introduction (5 marks) – 1 page
Overview including introduction, three companies, marketing environment and methodology.
2. Focal Company(15 marks) – up to 2 pages
Consider, business model, market positioning, culture, competitive advantage
3. Supplier Company (10 marks) – 1 page
Outline strengths and weaknesses
4. Buyer Company (15 marks) – 1 page
Outline strengths and weaknesses
5. Analysis Use of Theory (25 marks)
Application of any theory which can be argued as pertinent/valid
6. Conclusion and Limitations (10 marks) – 1 Page
Referencing (5 marks)
The report should make use of marketing theory from credible sources and be appropriately
referenced. [At least 8 references from varying sources]
Presentation of Report (5 marks)
Logical structure, correct spelling, grammar, supporting attachments & visual impact.
[Could this report be presented to an employer and/or client?]
Sub-Total /90
Presentation [Fifteen minutes + 5 minutes for questions/discussion]
Did the group present in a lively/enthusiastic way? (2 marks)
Was the presentation a group effort that is united and cohesive? (2marks)
Did the group use well-designed presentation slides to get its message across? (2marks)
Did the group speak (i.e., volume, speed of speech) well? (2 marks)
Did the group have good contact with the audience? (2marks)
Sub-Total /10
TOTAL /100
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
The approved grades of performance and associated ranges of marks for postgraduate subjects
High Distinction (HD)
Distinction (D)
Credit (C)
Pass (P)
Fail (F)
Technical Fail (TF)
85 – 100%
75 – 84%
65 – 74%
50 – 64%
0 – 49%
– Not meeting the final exam passing requirements
In order to gain a grade of Pass (P) or better in this subject, students must pass the Final
Examination with a mark of at least 50%This is irrespective of a student’s other marks during
the session. Students who obtain a composite mark of greater than 50% but do not satisfy the
Final Examination pass requirements will be awarded a “Technical Fail”.
Students must „reasonably? complete all assessment tasks (other than the Final Examination,
which requires a mark of 40% of above) and submit these by the final week of session or by
the Final Examination date (whichever is earlier) in order to pass the subject. „Reasonable?
completion of an assessment task will be determined based on the instructions given to the
student including: word length, demonstration of research and analysis where required, the
Plagiarism Policy, and completion of each section/component of the assessment. Failure to
„reasonably? complete any assessment tasks to the standard specified above may result in a
Fail grade awarded for the subject.
Assessment Task: 3 Final Exam
Learning Outcome Measured: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
Total Marks: 100
Weighting: 50%
Outline and Requirements The final exam will be of 3 hours duration. Students must
answer 5 of 7 questions with each written answer expected
to be between 3 to 4 pages. Each question will be worth 20
Marking Criteria Detailed and defendable marking criteria will be used to
mark the test. This can be made available to students upon
request of a meeting with the subject coordinator AFTER the
release of grades for this subject.
Date: To be held during the official examination period. Please
refer to the Exam Timetable available on the Student Online
Resources website ( closer to the
exam period.
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
All students must read and be familiar with the following UOWD policies and documents,
which are available on the Student Online Resources ( website by
following the Policies link:
? Academic Grievance – Students
? Assessment Policy
? Code of Conduct – Library Users
? Code of Practice – Students
? Copyright Policy
? Information Literacies Rule
? Library Regulations
? Music, Video and Software Piracy
? Plagiarism Policy
? Plagiarism – Acknowledgement Practice
? Rules – Campus Access and Order
? Rules for Student Conduct and Discipline
? Rules for use of ITTS Facilities
? Special Consideration Policy
? Tertiary Literacies
Student Academic Support Services (SASS) is a program committed to assisting students
in developing their academic skills and getting the most out of their studies. As part of their
services, SASS provides Peer Tutoring Program and Academic Workshops.
For further information contact, please contact:
SASS Admin Assistant
Room 032 A, Block 5.
Ph: + 971 4 390 0602
Plagiarism is a serious offense that can lead to expulsion from the university. Students must
be familiar with the Plagiarism policy which outlines the procedure that will be followed in case
of plagiarism. For more information please refer to the Plagiarism policy available on the
Student Online Resources website (– follow the Policies link).
In addition to a hard copy, students are required to submit all written assignments in soft
copy through the TurnItIn system which is available online at Every student
must have a TurnItIn account. Failure to submit an assignment through TurnItIn will result in
marks for that assignment being withheld. Students do NOT need to hand in a printed
copy of the TurnItIn Originality Report! More information about TurnItIn (including how to
create an account and add a class) will be provided in the first lecture. Students can
download Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about TurnItIn from the SASS section of the
website (
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(MARK917 Business to Business Marketing)
TurnItIn information required to add this subject:
Class ID: TBA
Password: TBA
For information about Referencing and In-Text Citation, as well as a guide to some of the
UOWD Rules and Policies, please go to the Student Online Resources website
( and click on the POLICIES link. You will find the required
information under the letter “S” for “Subject Outline Information”.
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