Business Management – Bloomberg Businessweek article

Business Management – Bloomberg Businessweek article
Please answer the 3 questions from the Bloomberg Businessweek Case in the News “Dish Network, the Meanest Company in America”

1. How would you describe CEO Ergen’s approach to output control? Give examples to support your view
2. How would you describe CEO Ergen’s approach to behavior control. Give examples to support your view
3.Given his approach to control, what kind of values, norms and organizational culture has he created for Dish.

Source: Caleb Harmon, “Dish Network, Meanest Company in America,” Bloomberg Businessweek, January 2, 2013

questions are taken out of text book
Essentials of Contemporary Management sixth edition
Chapter 8 pages 258 – 292

each question should be 1 full page each i will upload the article for you

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