Business Essentials 1
The first two chapters of our text teaches us about the nature of Canadian Business, the factors of production, government and its involvement in business, supply & demand, competition, organizational environments, inflation and other challenges that influence business in our world. It is important that we understand all of the material in these chapters before we move forward.
Your Task: Answer Question #8, Chapter 2, Pg 41..
“Assume that you are the owner of an internet pharmacy that sells prescription drugs to U.S. citizens. Analyze the factors in the external environment (economic, technological, political-legal, and sociocultural) that might facilitate your company’s activities. Analyze the factors in the external environment that might threaten your company’s activities.” (Taken from your text). I am asking you for your analysis. Be critical thinkers.
In answering this question, you will also be preparing for the test next week.
Your Report:
Your report should be a minimum of 3 typed, double-spaced pages. You should have a separate works-cited page for your sources of which you should have3 of them, not including Wikipedia. Remember, if you are quoting something from one of your sources, you will need to show an in-text citation. Include a Title Page with your report.
I will be looking for content (75%), writing style (15%) and grammar (10%). Assume that your reader does not know much about the topic. Your report should educate him/her.
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