book review/Rose, Tricia. Black Noise, (Wesleyan Press), 1994 /Smith and Jackson. The Hip Hop Church, (IVP Books), 2005/ Forman, Murray and Mark Anthony Neal. That’s the Joint!, (Routledge), 2004
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Each reflection paper should be based on a required reading or supplemental reading listed on the syllabus and should be divided into three sections:
1. Thesis: State the author’s thesis in just a few sentences. Please limit this to one paragraph.
2. Three Main Points in Support of the Thesis: The bulk of the paper should outline the three main points the author makes to support his/her thesis.
3. Critique: Your analysis on the strengths, weaknesses, or holes in the author’s arguments. What is he/she leaving out? What are are implications of the argument? Are there problems with his/her assumptions?
the book can be one of the following:
Rose, Tricia. Black Noise, (Wesleyan Press), 1994
Smith and Jackson. The Hip Hop Church, (IVP Books), 2005
Forman, Murray and Mark Anthony Neal. That’s the Joint!, (Routledge), 2004
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