Based on the brief conversation between Jerry Kline, Grace Gallo, and Paul Swenson, what kind of sales
manager do you think each ofthem is? what do you think is the level of performance ofthe sales force each person heads? how do you think
each ofthem will benefit from the sales management training seminar
Question 4 at the end of Case 1.1
Do you think that sales manager can
have much impact on the performance of individual salespeople? Specifically, what might new sales managers do to increase the performance
their sales force?
Question 1 at the end of Case 1.2
Do you believe Alan is doing a good jobs in his new sales management position? why or
why not?
Question 5 at the end of Case 1.2
Do the issues in this case raise any ethical concerns the national sales manager should
consider? if yes, how would you suggest handling those concerns?
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