At the end of his life is Enkidu a better man for having been a friend of Gilgamesh? Why or why not?
The topic is (At the end of his life is Enkidu a better man for having been a friend of Gilgamesh? Why or why not? Refer to the epic. Use quotations.)
The name of the book is (The Epic of Gilgamesh)
The paper must be in MLA format. Put your name, your professor’s name, class name, the topic number and date, in that order, in the upper left corner of the first page of the essay. Use a close reading. Use citations from the primary works themselves to support claims. Primary and secondary sources must be given in the “Works Cited” on a separate page. The paper must be a minimum of three double-spaced typed pages with no extra spaces between paragraphs. Paragraphs will be indented five spaces. The Humanities Department published “HSSC Guidelines for Writing Papers” will be used in grading papers.
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