One Minute Manager

Read the short Book ¨The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson – ISBN 0-425-08034-X and then write the essay. The book is not available in PDF form for me to send to you it is a physical copy that you must read!

Write one essay of 250 words or less in which you answer the following questions.

Which of the three secrets of the One Minute Manager would be the easiest for you to put into action on a regular basis in your work or in your personal life? Why?

Which of the three secrets of the One Minute Manager do you feel would be the most difficult for you to implement and use on a regular basis in your work or personal life? Why?

On a scale of one to ten, with one being “definitely won’t” and ten being “definitely will”, how likely are you to begin to practice any of the methods of the One Minute Manager? Why or why not?

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