1. Utilising the Ratcliffe/Lowenthal/Evans triptych conceptualisation of intelligence framework briefly review the critical issues raised in the report. 2. What are the most critical issues relevant to intelligence analysts? Explain and justify your ans

Course: Countering organised crime and terrorism
Module: Intelligence gathering and analysis
Paper requirements: Paper should answer assignment questions:1. Utilising the Ratcliffe/Lowenthal/Evans triptych conceptualisation of intelligence framework briefly review the critical issues raised in the report.[50%] 2. What are the most critical issues relevant to intelligence analysts? Explain and justify your answer.[50%] Report I will upload on my account under the name “Rendition”. Also I will upload some documents that could be helpful. Important thing to use is triptych conceptualization which is mention in Lecture 1 document which I will also upload.

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