Leadership Effectiveness Attributes

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Leadership Effectiveness Attributes
Set Direction
LE.1 Promoting a Clear Vision and Strategy to Achieve Excellence

1. How do leaders know employees understand the vision of
excellence and the strategy?

2. Can employees explain how their actions align with the
vision and strategy?

3. What evidence demonstrates that leaders are committed to
the vision and strategy?
4. How are resources balanced to support the vision and
Maximize Competence
LE.2 Implementing a Strong Talent Management and Leadership Development Strategy

1. Are important organizational and leadership pipelines
meeting the business needs of the organization?

2. Do employees understand the opportunities for
advancement, and are they positively engaged in their own
development plans?

3. How are leaders engaged in the talent management and
leadership development activities?

Maximize Competence
LE.3 Fostering a Learning Organization – Continuous Improvement

1. What is the evidence that external oversight organizations
give timely and accurate feedback and that leaders act on
this feedback?

2. How do leaders know their picture of performance is

3. How do leaders promote a questioning attitude and reward
prevention and detection behaviors in the organization?

4. In which specific areas have leaders personally intervened to
teach the organization or to promote improved performance?

Engage the Workforce
LE.4 Developing an Aligned, Engaged Workforce

1. What is the evidence that leaders are aligned with cross- functional priorities? Is alignment to cross-functional priorities also evident at lower levels of the organization?

2. Are there any initiatives to improve activities, processes, or working conditions? Were these initiatives selected, in part, from the input or feedback from affected employees?

3. How do leaders obtain employee input? Are there instances in which employee input was used?

4. Do employees believe their input is welcomed and their contributions are appreciated?

5. How do senior leaders know that managers actively seek diverse perspectives and are effective at resolving conflicts?

6. How effectively do middle managers and supervisors translate organizational goals and priorities to work group behaviors?
Engage the Workforce
LE.5 Inspiring, Motivating, and Communicating

1. What evidence shows that employees are engaged and motivated to contribute their best to the station? Are there examples that tie employee engagement to actions or behaviors of leaders? What have leaders done to engage and align employees around important decisions?

2. Think about a recent period of high stress or organizational challenge. What did leaders do to engage and motivate the individual members of the team?

3. What does the most recent culture survey and trend tell you about employees’ perspectives of their work environment?

Engage the Workforce
LE.6 Building and Sustaining Trust with Employees and
External Stakeholders

1. How were diverse perspectives included when goals and implementation plans were developed?

2. What feedback on their own behaviors and actions have leaders received and acted upon? Can leaders describe those situations?
3. Why do leaders think that healthy relationships exist with employees, regulators, and other stakeholders? How do they know?

Engage the Workforce
LE.7 Providing Effective Coaching and Feedback in an Environment of Healthy Accountability

1. How do leaders provide coaching and feedback? How do they know this is effective?

2. How do leaders know that individuals throughout the organization understand what they are accountable for?

3. What is the evidence that leaders foster desired behaviors and resolve performance issues?
Cope with Risk
LE.8 Making Effective Decisions and Appropriately Managing

1. How do leaders know that decisions are made at the appropriate level and that diverse and appropriate expertise and perspectives are considered?

2. What decision-making model(s) do leaders use? Does the model define the roles and ultimate decision-making authority? Are there recent instances in which decision-making was effective? Can the leaders identify situations in which it was ineffective and identify the lessons learned?

3. How do leaders ensure that risks are appropriately characterized, managed, and reviewed in aggregate?

Achieve Results
LE.9 Achieving Sustainable Results

1. How do leaders ensure that ownership and accountability are understood and exercised at all levels of the organization?

2. When have leaders seen the need to intervene in order to arrest declining performance? Was the decline recognized by normal oversight activities or by some other means? What was the outcome?
3. How do leaders drive for maximum results without overwhelming the capacity of their organization to produce quality results?

4. What is the evidence that leaders adapt their behaviors appropriately to different situations and across a wide band of performance?

5. Do leaders proactively make adjustments to processes and procedures to mitigate risks to the organization?

6. Are there instances in which leaders have shown the courage to challenge the status quo or to make an unpopular or difficult decision? What was the outcome?

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