Legal Regulations, Compliance And Investigation

  1. You have been hired to perform computer investigations and forensics analysis for a company. You find that no policies, processes, or procedures are currently in place. Do an Internet search to find information, and then create a policy and processes document to provide the structure necessary for your computer lab environment. Remember, you must cite and reference sources. Your answer must be a minimum of 2 full pages in length following APA guidelines.
  2. Do blogs have integrity? Analyze a unique blog of your choice with respect to Integrity. Find a blog which either has integrity or one that is deceptive or misleading. Describe the blog, tell us if it has integrity or not, and why. Provide a URL to the blog. Your blog must be unique and not used by another student.
  3. This assessment item covers chapters 1-4 of your textbook. Select one organisation of your choice. Investigate and report on the current state of this organisation (as per material covered in these chapters) and make suggestions for improvements that the organisation could adopt to improve their security. If you are working at this organisation, please make sure NOT to divulge any sensitive information (you may wish to check online what information is made public by the organisation to ensure this). While the scope is reflected by chapters 1-4, you are allowed to use journal articles to support your statements.
  4. Describe briefly about VoIP and how does it work? list and define some of the security issues it face?
  5. Information Systems

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Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on page 400 of the textbook to create a staffing plan.

Use the staffing plan template provided below to identify role requirements, assign staff to specific roles, estimate what you would think the resource loading would be for this project, and identify any potential training requirements that might be needed to support the project. Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on pages 220, 265, & 400 of the textbook to complete the organization chart.

Information Systems

Research some of the issues engineering managers must consider when deciding on the best door hardware for the most cost-effective security for their facility.


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